Friday, November 4, 2011

Cheaper Airport Parking

   Do you hate it when you return from a wonderful trip to find your airport parking bill to be $100 or even more?  What a horrible way to end a vacation!  I have recently found a cheaper solution that I would like to share with you.  Several companies are in contact with hotels that are surrounding the airport, and facilitate renting their parking spots to travelers.  The price ranges from $2 to $5 a day.  All you do is leave your car at the hotel and take the hotel’s complimentary shuttle.  The company I used is, but there are other companies you could use.
I have a couple tips to help make this an enjoyable experience.
-         -  Don’t necessarily go with the cheapest option.  Search for that hotel on a map, and make sure you are comfortable leaving your car in that neighborhood.  I would pick a hotel with a name I trust, so you are not worried about your car while you are on vacation.
-          -  Call the hotel ahead of time and confirm what times the shuttle goes to and from the airport.  You want to make sure the times are convenient for your flight time.  Try to get to the hotel a few minutes before the scheduled time.  You don’t want to feel rushed or miss the shuttle.  It is usually 30 minutes before the next shuttle leaves.
-          -  Leave your valuables at home.  There is no need for you to tempt those who might want to steal from you.  I think it would also be wise to park your car in a well lit area of the parking lot.

My husband and I used this service on our last trip, and we will definitely use it again.  We found it to be a smooth, stress free and much cheaper parking option.  I hope you find it to be the same.

Jessica Carter

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